Our Services

At ProForm Cut & Shave, we're all about offering a unique blend of punk style and luxury grooming services that cater to your desires and personality. Grab the spotlight with our one-of-a-kind services, all superintended by our punk guru, Mike.

haircut services colorado springs

The Cut / The New Client Cut

If you're stepping into ProForm Cut & Shave for the first time, be prepared for an elevated grooming experience that requires a little extra time. Every new client receives a detailed consultation, where Mike evaluates your hair, facial structure, and personal style to craft a look that's uniquely you. He meticulously shapes and styles your hair, finishing it off with a straight razor for that impeccably clean and sharp look. This process isn't rushed; it's a testament to our commitment to delivering perfection, and it ensures we get every detail just right. 

Our aim goes beyond just giving you a great haircut; we want you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. That's why, if required, we offer a complimentary shampoo service as part of your visit. We use high-quality products that not only cleanse your hair but also nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Trust us, once you experience the ProForm Cut & Shave treatment, every minute will be worth it.

shave services colorado springs

The Head Shave

When it comes to the art of head shaving, there's no one more adept than our punk virtuoso, Mike. This process isn't simply about removing hair; it's a transcendental experience that combines the precision of traditional barbering with the edge of punk culture. Mike takes his time to ensure your scalp is thoroughly prepped, massaged, and lathered with top-notch shaving cream before expertly wielding the straight razor. With every stroke, he ensures an even, smooth shave, free of nicks and cuts, all the while maintaining the integrity of your scalp.

But the experience doesn't end with the shave. Post-shave, your scalp receives a soothing lather using hot towels with a blend of essential oils designed to calm the skin and prevent irritation. Trust us, once you've experienced the ProForm Cut & Shave head shave, there's no turning back. You'll leave our shop feeling liberated, confident, and ready to rock your new bald look with punk gusto.

The Beard Trim

Beards are like works of art; they require regular maintenance to stay sharp and polished. At ProForm Cut & Shave, we understand the art of beard shaping and trimming. Mike will work with you to create a custom look that complements your facial structure and personal style. He'll carefully trim away any stray hairs, shape your beard to perfection, and finish it off with nourishing products to keep it healthy and looking its best.

Our select range of high-quality beard products will also be available for purchase at our shop, so you can maintain your freshly trimmed look at home. Whether it's a full beard or a sharp goatee, our punk barber has got you covered.

The Shave

Immerse yourself in the ultimate grooming experience with our Full Face Shave at ProForm Cut & Shave. This service isn't your typical quick shave; it's a deep dive into a world of luxury, tranquility, and precision. We kick off this experience with a soothing hot lather application. This isn't your everyday foam; it's a rich, creamy lather that softens your facial hair, preparing it for the smoothest shave possible. The lather also opens up your pores and hydrates your skin, ensuring a close, comfortable shave that leaves your skin feeling supple and refreshed.

In the hands of our punk virtuoso Mike, the straight razor becomes an instrument of artistry. He expertly maneuvers the razor across your skin, removing every last bit of stubble with surgical precision. To elevate your experience further, we follow the shave with an application of essential oil-infused hot towels. These towels, steeped in a blend of natural oils, gently caress your freshly-shaved skin, soothing any potential irritation and leaving your face feeling revitalized and fragrant. After a ProForm Cut & Shave Full Face Shave, you won't just look good – you'll feel absolutely invincible.

The Closed Door Session

At ProForm Cut & Shave, we understand that sometimes you just need a little privacy. That's why we offer the Closed Door Session, a unique service that allows you to have our entire shop to yourself for an intimate and personalized grooming experience. This session is perfect for special occasions or when you simply want to treat yourself to some luxury pampering.

During this exclusive session, Mike will cater to all your grooming needs, from head and beard shampoo to the perfect haircut and shave. You'll also receive a mini facial, eyebrow and beard sculpting. So if you're ready for a truly indulgent experience, book the Closed Door Session at ProForm Cut & Shave today.


Book Your Appointment Online Today

At ProForm Cut & Shave, we're not just about giving you a haircut or a shave; we're about crafting an individualized style that matches your face shape and celebrates your unique personality. Our master barber, Mike, leverages his years of experience to push you out of your comfort zone, introducing you to a look that you never knew you could pull off, but once you do, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. 

From meticulously crafted cuts and precision shaves to expertly shaped beards, we're here to help you discover a fresh, punk-inspired style that not only looks fantastic, but also enhances your self-confidence. The experience doesn't just end when you leave the chair, though. You'll walk away with the knowledge and products necessary to maintain your new look at home, ensuring you can rock your style with punk gusto, every single day. Dare to step out of the ordinary and into ProForm Cut & Shave - where punk meets luxury, and you meet the best version of yourself.


Get the ProForm Cut & Shave App Now

Experience the extraordinary at your fingertips! The ProForm Cut & Shave app is now available for download on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Why wait to book your punk transformation? With our app, you can easily schedule your appointments, browse our unique suite of services, and learn hair care tips directly from our punk guru, Mike. So get ready to redefine your style with us, right from the comfort of your smartphone.

Join the rebellion against the ordinary with ProForm Cut & Shave app. Download it today and begin your journey to extraordinary style, right at your fingertips. See you on the other side, punk.